Zia Sobhani

Greetings, I am a software developer currently living in the greater Boston area and interested in collaborating and other opportunities in Data Viz. This blog documents my progress into data visualization and related tools (all new and exciting for me).

In my previous careers I did embedded software and vehicle controls for hybrid trucks, mechanical work on solar cars, lots of robotics, a year in a pottery studio, 4.5 months hitch-hiking through New Zealand. Some of these adventures are documented in my old portfoliofirst web page and good old resume.

I am also a solar eclipse chaser, if you don’t already have plans, this is where you should be August 21st, 2017.

Unless otherwise noted, all content here is licensed under  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Please contact me if you would like other licensing terms.

If you already know me or would like to, let’s get together for coffee.

Zia Sobhani